Do you have a trouble to find 'lysistrata essay notes'? You will find the answers here.
Table of contents
- Lysistrata essay notes in 2021
- Aristophanes lysistrata sparknotes
- Lysistrata pdf
- Is lysistrata a feminist play
- Lysistrata themes
- Sparknotes lysistrata
- Lysistrata full text
- Lysistrata analysis
Lysistrata essay notes in 2021
Aristophanes lysistrata sparknotes

Lysistrata pdf

Is lysistrata a feminist play

Lysistrata themes

Sparknotes lysistrata
Lysistrata full text

Lysistrata analysis

What does Lysistrata say about the Peloponnesian War?
As the policemen run off, the Commissioner and Lysistrata are left to argue about the Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata argues that the War is a concern for women especially and she adds her two cents as to how the city should be run, drawing an elaborate analogy to show that Athens should be structured as a woman would spin wool.
How is Lysistrata an example of pre modern feminism?
Lysistrata as an example of a pre-modern display of feminism in action, the foundations of the work demonstrate scheming and interfering women. War was serious business for men and women who had both the power and the desire to interfere with it would not have been thought of kindly.
What was the point of the book Lysistrata?
"Lysistrata" is funny, but it makes a point. Women have brains, too, and want to be included in important decisions by the government. Pushing women aside, as the men of Athens and ome did, can only lead to trouble in the end, as these two works clearly indicate. If Aristophanes is biased, it seems he favors the women's demands for peace.
Why did Lysistrata organize the women of Athens to protest?
In response to the ongoing Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, Lysistrata organizes the women of Athens to protest against the war, which continues to kill their husbands and sons. The manner of the protest is interesting, indeed.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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24.10.2021 01:58How does aristophanes reenforce ancient greek stereotypes about women? During the time of the peloponnesian studymode - premium and released essays, term document & book notation.
19.10.2021 10:27Aristophanes put on At least forty plays, eleven of which have survived to modern times. Plato lived a generation aft aristophanes.
18.10.2021 05:20How to write notes for research paper. Lysistrata is an originative comedy written aside aristophanes and performed in 411 bce.